Our primary service is providing exceptional emergency medical response, right when you need it.
Essex Rescue is a licensed paramedic (advanced life support) transport ambulance service, responding to over 3,100+ requests for emergency medical services per year. Our career and volunteer members are trained at the Emergency Medical Technician (EMT), Advanced EMT (AEMT), and paramedic level. Our paramedics respond across Chittenden County when requested to support other ambulance services with their critical sick and injuries patients.
Our station is staffed 24/7 allowing us to respond immediately to requests for emergency medical services. While we always have a minimum of one ambulance staffed, Monday through Friday between 8am and 8pm we staff a second ambulance. If we do not have an ambulance available, a mutual aid ambulance company will respond. Our transport units regularly provide mutual aid response to our neighboring services as part of the Vermont EMS District 3 mutual aid response system.
Our primary service area is 139 square miles. To ensure rapid emergency response anywhere in our service area, we partner with our local fire departments who provide EMS first response.
We provide monthly training for our members, open to anyone from other fire and rescue agencies. Our training room is available for community events. Our staff participate in regional committees to enhance the level of emergency care available to Vermonters and our members volunteer for community initiatives. Additionally, we provide the following services to our residents.
File of Life
If you're unable to answer our questions about your health history, we'll often look on the front of your fridge to see if there's a File of Life. This allows you to write down all the medical information we may need if you can't speak for yourself.
If you or someone you know needs one, please contact our community outreach coordinator at 802-878-4859 Ext. 7 or e-mail and request one of these files to be mailed at no charge.
Subscription Plan
You can support our volunteers and control your household's medical costs by subscribing to Essex Rescue. If we transport anyone from your household, we'll bill your insurance and leave it at that. You won't be responsible for any costs that your insurance company won't cover.
Community Event / Education Participation
Do you have a community event which you would like to invite the ambulance to participate in?
National Disaster Response
Our volunteers have gone the extra mile, responding to national requests for help, often after hurricanes. Before we send a crew to another state, we ensure we have the resources available to take care of our communities.